Happy Wednesday, continued...
In my continued effort to embrace the sanguine half of my melancholy/sanguine personality (some would say 'disorder'), I'm going to list some things that just make me smile - because I can; it's my blog!:
1. Byron: We got a new vacuum and he asked MY advice about how to put the thing together! I thought he was joking since we had been exchanging blonde jokes this morning - then I realized he was serious, and I just had to say,"oh, that's sooo sweet - of course, I can't help you even a little bit, but that's sooo sweet."
2. My boys are home all day now, and occasionally one of them will ask me to play legos with them or X-box. It's great to be loved by little boys!
3. My girls are busy with their own stuff, but they still sit and talk with us, they are a real part of our ministry and I see God growing them, especially through the difficult times. They both want to see all people come to know God's love. They're awesome!
4. The staff at c3 has grown smaller (leaner), but I'm always challenged and amazed by their passion and endurance - even in the small stuff like answering the phone, making coffee for meetings, or deciding what colors the background lights should be on Sunday. You all ROCK!
5. Just when I begin to feel the hate taking over, I see such love reflected back from someone in the congregation who's feeling the spirit of God in a fresh way. Life-change is what it's all about, and it makes the tough times really come into focus. Thanks for sharing your lives with us!
6. Even though the music's too loud and not really their "cup of tea", when I see someone of my parents generation or older worshiping God or overcome with joy at the sight of another person realizing God's love, I am witness to a personal sacrifice that's supernatural (Christ-likeness)!. Thank you for your selflessness, it convicts me and humbles me.
7. I thank God daily (Philippians- chapter one) for the "remnant" at c3 who has suffered loss, abuse and misunderstanding to stay and persevere in order to reach people that they don't even know. Heaven will look different because of their tears - I can only say "Thank You".
8. What can I say to the pastors and their wives:
Darrell and Andrea: Your passion for authentic worship and unwavering loyalty is refreshing and contagious. It's been
such a long winding road - thanks for always being there for us. Plus, you make me laugh and challenge me with your love of all people. They think we don't know much about the gospel, but we dooo!
Travis and Sandy: Your tireless devotion to the vision and personal strength astounds me and humbles me. Thanks for sharing this journey with Byron and me - Besides, without the two of you, we'd have to find a dozen seminary graduates to fill your shoes. Who knew ministry could be like an episode of "24"?
Barry and Amanda: You've joined your lives with us in such a seamless way. Everyone should experience friendship that's as unconditional and constant as you've been to us. Your singular focus and tenacity holds us up, literally. In Dallas, the Bishop spoke of leaders like the two of you who held up Moses' arms so the battle could be won. You hold up our arms and our spirits. Shut the "no" and open the "yes!".
9. Verna - you represent a whole lot of strength, girl! You put a serious dent in the whole "dumb blonde" theory. Thank you for your smile. Your passion for Jesus is amazing! Rock on!
10. I smile when I think of the countless prayers, hugs, shoulders, and hands who've held me up and been a beautiful shelter. I will always remember these blessings and will continually ask God to bless you in return. Thank you.
11. Byron makes me smile because no matter what I look like, he always looks at me like he did when he was sixteen. After twenty years, I'm more amazed every day by his strength, integrity and passion - "Like a Rock" isn't just the Chevy theme.
12. Q: Why did the blonde get fired from the "M & M" factory?
A: For throwing-out the "w's"!
So, I'm throwing out some "w's" today and concentrating on the "M & M's" because, at the end of the day, it's all about perspective.
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