Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Darn Wednesday

This has actually been a great day. The boys and I spent the morning with some great friends at the splash-park. I'm just tired, and our air is out again - so I'm a little grumpy. And now Byron reminds me that usually, on Wednesdays, I "try" to be humorous and light hearted - only I don't feel like it.

So, I've got nothin' - no blonde jokes - no witty banter - no delightful prose. Maybe next Wednesday I'll be more pleasant. And this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I had to order a sugar-free, "skinny" latte, when I really wanted a Dunkin' Donut's extra large chocolate coconut iced coffee with extra whipped cream, but I'm trying to be "buff by 40" - and the Dunkin' Donut's lady is starting to look at me like I have some kind of problem or addiction or something. Like she knows my issues - she couldn't possibly, because I strategically re-route my coffee stops so that it only looks about one-third as bad as it really is...but I digress...

What was I saying, oh yeah, - so, I've been mistreated by several java establishments in this town (NOT "CUPPY'S" ON LEE VISTA - BILL TREATS ME WITH RESPECT AND PASSES NO JUDGEMENT!), so to all the coffee-pushers who judge me because I like to drink dessert-style lattes several times a day - in spite of my efforts to decrease the "junk" in the...well, anyway... I say, "Don't be a hater, be a liberator!" - or better yet, a caffeinator. As the great philosopher Madea once said, "The bible say, 'be ye kindest and gentlest to all the peoplests'." I wholeheartedly concur! Next Wednesday will be different, I promise...I can quit's not me, it's the caffeine talking...just give me one more chance...


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