The Remains of the Day
We've driven into the night, and now I'm exhausted but wanted to re-cap the day:
I woke up this morning feeling not very rested, and knowing there were "miles to go before we sleep..."
But the minute I got to church and saw the beautiful room with a bazillion candles burning (the set design I like to call "Christian Gothic"), I began to unwind a little bit and focus on the morning...
We began the service with several baptisms, as usual, the majority being adults. We've seen a trend that way, and the coolest part is that the entire family almost always ends up coming know God also...
There is just something about an acoustic set that calm you - usually our music is quite...energetic, but today we planned it to be more...restful. The opening of an acoustic duet and scripture passages on the screen was lovely, and just what I needed...
The message was about "rest" and the passage was the 23rd Psalm (in the Message version it's particularly lovely). ...
Following the message was another music set. For the final song we re-introduced a song that we sang for the first time last Sunday. When we got to the chorus, Darrell decided to let the congregation sing - so he pulled his mic down. What happened next was phenomenal - the congregation was singing so loudly (a new song they had just learned) that it caused Darrell to become emotional...of course, then I had to drop my mic. But the people kept singing!...
We just stood there and worshiped God by listening to his people sing "Oh no, You never let go - through the calm and through the storm..." It was fantastic, and we really got to feel the Spirit of God through the voices of His people...and they know it's true. They could sing that song passionately because C3 is a church who has come through the fire and the storm...
This morning, the people lifting their voices so strongly reminded me that we have survived to be a testimony of the grace and power of God - a power that cannot be quieted by men...
I was also reminded that God's rest doesn't have anything to do with my circumstances, in the Psalm David says "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" (death is looming over, and casting it's shadows around me). So, God, the Shepherd, is leading to green pastures right through the Valley!: Finding rest in God is not about my where I am, but Whose I am....
Thanks for reminding me, C3! "...If my God is with me, whom then shall I fear!"
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