Beautiful Blog Site Boundaries
Since I'm still suffering from my nerve "situation", I decided to post a blog I wrote several days ago, and just saved for a rainy day. Although I discuss how my blogging boundaries came more slowly than those in other areas of my life, it's important for me to set the record straight about some particularly obnoxious blogs that are floating around out there - these blogs I have never read...or even laid eyes on. I don't look at porn, and I don't read trash - This has become a point of conviction for me. Peace out.
Today, like most days at some point, I spent some time reading the blogs "bookmarked" on my "toolbar" (if you don't use a Mac these terms might not mean the same thing - but you get the drift) - it's somewhat of a ritual for me, I guess, and if you were to read the blogs I read you would pick up on a theme: they are all positive and uplifting and many times challenging to me in my faith, family and church-life. There must be some positive value for me.
It's not always been that way for me, sadly. Out of curiosity, obligation, or even a desire to be entertained by ridiculousness (not sure that's a word), I've subjected myself to a lot of junk (that's putting it nicely in, most cases) that has done nothing to edify me or refine my walk. Blog site boundaries are a discipline that have been developed out of necessity.
I had already limited my exposure to negativity in my relationships, phone conversations, parties I attend, even in just "hanging out" with a bunch of ladies (this can go negative so fast it can make your head spin) - But in the area of the Internet, these boundaries can be more easily rationalized away.
These "rationalizations" can sound something like this:
*I would rather know first-hand if someone's talking trash - or their friends are, so I can KNOW!
*I deserve to read it myself...everyone else seems to know the scoop.
*I need to prove that stupid lies and innuendo from carnal people don't hurt me - I CAN TAKE IT!
*Their words don't really offend's just entertainment!
*I need to know what they're saying so that I can look spiritual as I forgive them (a vicious cycle, by the way).
*Whatever other rationalizations I've used that I can't remember right now.
Today, though, I guard myself (and my family), vigilantly. It's an issue of obedience for me now. Whatever I tell myself to make it easy to read stuff that I know, or even suspect, won't be beneficial to me, doesn't outweigh my responsibility to be disciplined with the words that I allow to come into my life.
I need to be considerate of the fact that even though it doesn't hurt, it may not help. My knowledge of other's critiques or "issues" may not be helpful to those around me. Because of this, I've even had to be careful about what "friendly" blogs I allow myself to read. Not everyone limit's their exposure as much as Byron and I do, so their lack of boundaries can become ours, as well.
This may sound rigid or ridiculous, but these lessons come out of experience. For me, knowingly reading trash is just plain stupid.
So, if you hear the latest tidbit from some blog site, please don't tell me the web address. I don't care, and I don't want to know. Bondage to trying to mend fences with people who stir dissension is just that: BONDAGE! And it's a luxury that I can't afford - distraction from my true purpose is a price that's too high.
We can either chase after the opinions of men, or Christ. We can't fully do both. At least that's not my calling.
I love the beautiful blogs on my toolbar, and plan to keep it that way.
I love this! Thanks for the encouragement...I needed it today. Especially the part about all the excueses we make. I needed to hear, "just because it's not hurtful doesn't mean that it's helpful". I hope you're feeling better soon. I think Cuppy's is calling our name. Love you!
Funny Amanda and I just had a conversation about this. I tried to rationalize my reading "certain blogs" Today I am done. No sense in reading the tabloids. Your post encouraged me. Love Ya!
Okay, ya'll are freakin' me out, you both commented at the EXACT same time! Thanks for your encouragement - I certainly don't want to tell others what they have to do...I just hope others can learn from my mistakes/experience. Thanks to you both for your friendship. Can't wait for another "Cuppy's"!! Angie
Wow...I am so encouraged by what you posted! I needed to hear it because at times I struggle with this and making these excuses! Thanks for making your blog such an encouragement to all of your readers!
Thanks, Monica. I enjoy reading your blog, too - it's one of my beautiful blog sites on my toolbar. I hope you feel better soon. Airborne works to boost your immune system - also, have Matt grate some ginger root into some green tea. It kills bacteria in the throat and digestive tract. And eat your spinach!!! Get some rest. LuvYa. Angie.
Thanks for the tips! I will def. have him do that! I think there is something going around!
I hope you are feeling better also! I will have to lend you The Office soon, that cures everything! =)
Love ya!
Definitely! I LOVE the office!!!! I can't wait - We'll all feel better then! Peace out.
You're nerve "situation" produced a beautiful blog posting for me to read today. I hope you get well soon! Thank you for challenging me to shield my eyes and ears from garbage...whatever form it may be in. I'm no longer reading the ugly.
Thanks, 'Drea. Pain can often get us down to the real issues -
I've enjoyed reading your blogs...expecially, the "unorthodox" one. Rock on. Angie.
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