Saturday, August 4, 2007

Let Us Run!

How does He want us to live?
Like uninspired followers of an ordinary way?
Like unforgiving zealots of a target never reached?
Like selfish children fighting to be "teacher's pet"?
Like bullies or like priests?
How should we live to represent Him well?

Should we not live like we are:
Seasoned runners with our eyes fixed on Jesus as our only prize...
One grace-blessed beggar sharing newly found bread with another...
Forgiven ones who see others as:
The future joy of heaven
The lost lamb for whom He has searched
His most treasured creation and expression of love
The reason for His life, His ministry, His death...

How does He want us to live?
He wants us to love abundantly, give unsparingly, pray unceasingly.
He wants us to give, to dance, and to sing - all in His name...
He wants us to there's no like everything depends on the passing of the with our head back and eyes focused on the prize.

We must live, love, give, and run...and the "great cloud of witnesses" is always there cheering us on.

Because the face of heaven will be determined by how well we run, how much we give, how often we tell...
For how will they hear if we do not tell them, and how will they know if we don't show the way...

How does He want us to live?
Our human minds cannot fathom the depths of His desires for us, but it is not for us to waste much time in contemplation, but rather to:

Go, do, love, give, dance, sing, rejoice, weep, comfort, forgive, embrace, and...RUN.

For tomorrow could very well find us on the other side with no more miles to give to the journey. And then we will have only what we made of today to offer at His feet.

So, let us make the most of the miles, and add one more to heaven's number.
While there's still time, let us run!


Byron Bledsoe said...

Thanks for running with me and being my Bride - I love you (you look pretty cute in a jogging suit too)!

Jennie said...

I am glad C3 is in the race and not sitting on the sideline watching the runners go by. Thanks guys for leading the race!

Angie Bledsoe said...

Jennie, thanks for your comments and for your heart for others - you are running well, girl - you won't truly know all the impact you and Don have had this side of eternity...when I see the little ones coming out of Powerhouse, I see in their faces what you and Don have invested so sacrificially - I know God sees, too! Keep running, I know you're making Him proud. You rock (and you're so C3!). Peace.