Monday, August 6, 2007

Redeem the Time

It feels like my early days of blogging when I would often blog more than once in a single day, but I've had a fever today, so I've not done much. I'm giving myself today to get better - tomorrow there's too much to do to be, needless to say, I've done a lot of thinking today.

I've always had a weak immune system - if I get stressed or upset, my body seems to shut-down and just stop working well. I've prayed about this and tried to put things in place to keep from getting run down...but, that and being a pastor's wife/mother of four doesn't seem to go hand in hand. So, I've kind of learned to look at it as a constant reminder to rule out the bad (bad food, bad influences, bad relationships) and increase the peace.

So, tomorrow morning I'm hoping for a normal temp' so Byron and I can get out for a long walk, put in some time at the office, then maybe "Whole Foods" for some healthy stuff so I'm not tempted to eat junk when dinner rolls around. I've got to plan ahead to make the most out of my days, so there are less like today when not much got done. The kids go back to school soon, so I want to spend some time with them before they're out of the house all day.

Byron and I got an email about our 20 year high school reunion today, so I've thought a lot about what I thought my life would be like verses what it is like - in some ways it's so hard to believe it's been that long, but so much has happened during those years that it also seems like it must have been longer. I guess everyone feels like that about the passage of time...

It goes by and I'm learning more every day that I have to make the most of each day because I will never get this day back.

"Redeem the time, because the days are evil" - That's the awesome thing about the grace of God - each day that He gives us is a day that He has bought back or redeemed for us so that we can live for Him.

Time is a wonderful gift - I don't want to waste it. Peace.

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