Wednesday, August 1, 2007

From Dusk to Dawn

The scenery in the mountains was breathtaking, and since my current obsession is photography (although my skill level hardly warrants the title "photography"), I had to take pictures of absolutely EVERYTHING. My family (and the other captive audience members) got used to seeing me jump out of the car on a steep overhang or nearly get hit by a trolley-car just to get the perfect shot of a perfect purple flower.

And if the scenery was great during the day, it was even better at dusk and dawn. The cabin was three stories with two balconies, so I tried to get up early and absorb the dawn (some morning "dawn" was literal - on others it was very figurative. In my world, dawn is more of a state of mind, like happiness). But one thing I noticed is that the beauty of dusk and dawn is very similar. When you're enjoying the dim tranquility of either one and absorbed in the peacefulness of being still in the wonder of God's creation, it's difficult to remember whether the sun is coming up or going down.

Recently, I was looking at photographs on the "wide world of web", and this struck me then, too - I noticed that the picture entitled "Swiss Mountains at Dawn" and "Sunset in Switzerland" looked very much alike - both breathtaking, of course!

The past year has been full of many things - some seemingly wonderful, and others won't be remembered fondly. As I spent time reflecting on all God has allowed into my life - things that brought happiness and grief - I realized that everything can work together for my good (the "goings" down and the "comings" up), that I can still bask in the dim tranquility of all God is doing around me even the colors created by the art of pain.

So, whether it's twilight or a new day dawning, I will praise the Artist - "...the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away - Blessed be the name of the Lord!"

P.S. Thanks for still reading though my blogs have been few and far between this past month. I pray for all of you to find true peace from the True Peacemaker. It's a long and winding road (sometimes requiring a little Bonine), but it is definitely the way to travel. Thanks for sharing it with me...



Anonymous said...

I love the pictures you posted! :) I see you are getting all the use you can out of your new camera! :) Looks like you guys had a great, relaxing time! We're glad you're all back!!

Angie Bledsoe said...

Hey! Yeah, you know me, I have a hard time doing anything in moderation. I love it, but now I think I need a bigger lens and possibly a class or two...anyway, I'm having fun with it. We missed ya'll. See you Sunday. Peace.